NSFW: Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America Blu-ray Screenshots (Severin Films)

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BD Info

Family Portraits BD info
Family Portraits Bitrate Viewer
Family Portraits DTS 2.0 Spek
Family Portraits color barcode

 Extra Features

  • NEW 2K scan from the original negative
  • NEW Commentary with Director Douglas Buck
  • NEW Commentary with Maitland McDonagh
  • Option to watch the shorts separately
    • Cutting Moments (HD; 26:22)
    • Home (HD; 28:50)
    • Prologue (HD; 51:38)
  • NEW Commentary with actors Nicca Ray and Gary Betsworth on “Cutting Moments”
  • NEW Commentary with Gary Betsworth on “Home”
  • NEW Commentary with actors Sally Conway, William Stone Mahoney, David Thornton, Larry Fessenden, Beth Glover, and painter Jesse McCloskey on “Prologue”
  • AFTER ALL – Early Short Film (HD; 17:29)
  • CUTTING MOMENTS Interviews, Circa 1998 (480p; 47:47)
  • That’s Dark – Podcast on CUTTING MOMENTS & Interview with Director Douglas Buck
    • Cutting Moments I (1:10:37)
    • Cutting Moments II (1:03:36)
    • Douglas Buck Interview (2:03:52)
  • Deleted Scene – Prologue (480p; 1:25)
  • Behind the Scenes – Prologue (480p; 16:06)
  • Stills Galleries
    • Cutting Moments (no chapter breaks; 3:34)
    • Home (no chapter breaks; 3:05)
    • Prologue (no chapter breaks; 3:05)
  • Trailer (HD; 1:43)

Packaging Details

cover scan
Family Portraits front cover
cover scan
Family Portraits disc

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