Son of The White Mare (Fehérlófia) Blu-ray Screenshots (Eureka Entertainment)

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Special Features


BD Info (what’s this?)

Son of the White Mare Blu-ray BD Info
Son of the White Mare Blu-ray BD Info

Bitrate Viewer (what’s this?)

Son of the White Mare Blu-ray Bitrate Info
Son of the White Mare Blu-ray Bitrate Info

Spek (what’s this?)

Son of the White Mare Blu-ray Spek Info
Son of the White Mare Blu-ray Spek Info

Movie Color Barcode (what’s this?)

Son of the White Mare Blu-ray Color Barcode
Son of the White Mare Blu-ray Color Barcode

Extra Features

  • Limited Edition O-Card slipcase
  • 1080p presentation on Blu-ray from a director approved 4K digital restoration
  • Johnny Corncob (János Vitéz) – Jankovics first animated feature, and the first ever Hungarian animated feature film, is also presented here in 1080p from a director approved 4K digital restoration (1080p, 1:18:24)
  • Sisyphus – short film (1080p, 2:22)
  • The Struggle (Küzdők) – short film (1080p, 2:34)
  • Dreams on Wings – short film created as a commercial for Air India (1080p, 8:43)
  • Optional English Subtitles
  • Brighter Colors – extensive interview with Marcell Jankovics from the Hungarian National Film Archive, filmed in 2020 (1080p, 33:14)
  • The Director Talks – featurette with Jankovics produced by the Hungarian National Film Archive (1080p, 9:41)
  • Making of János Vitéz – archival featurette from 1973 (1080p, 3:15)
  • A collector’s booklet featuring a new essay by film writer Rich Johnson

Packaging Details

Unfortunately, we were not sent a full copy for review, so we can not provide packaging scans.

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