Wolf Creek Blu-ray Screenshots (Via Vision)

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Theatrical Cut Screencaps

Theatrical Cut Special Features

Theatrical Cut Menus

Unrated Cut Screencaps

Unrated Cut Special Features

Unrated Cut Menus

BD Info (what’s this?)

Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical BD Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical BD Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut BD Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut BD Info

Bitrate Viewer (what’s this?)

Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical Bitrate Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical Bitrate Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut Bitrate Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut Bitrate Info

Spek (what’s this?)

Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical Spek Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical Spek Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut Spek Info
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut Spek Info

Movie Color Barcode (what’s this?)

Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical Cut Color Barcode
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical Cut Color Barcode
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut Color Barcode
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Cut Color Barcode

Extra Features

Theatrical Cut Disc: 

  • Audio Commentary with Greg McLean, Matt Hearn, Cassandra Magrath and Kestie Morassi
  • The Making Of Wolf Creek (1080p, 51:51)
  • Deleted Scenes (1080p, 6:13)
  • Photo Gallery (1080p, 3:41)
  • Theatrical Trailer 1 (1080p, 2:14)
  • Theatrical Trailer 2 (1080i, 1:45)

Unrated Cut Disc: 

  • Meet Mick Taylor: An Interview with John Jarratt (1080p, 21:49)
  • Broken & Twisted Music Clip by Auxillary One (1080p, 5:00)
  • Storyboard & Production Sketch Montag (1080p, 3:09)

Tech Specs

Release Date: 2023
Definition: 1080p
Running Time: Theatrical Cut: 1:38:51, Unrated Cut: 1:44:27
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Codec: AVC
Audio: Theatrical DTS-HD 5.1, Unrated – LPCM 2.0
Subtitles: English HOH

Packaging Details

cover scan
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Slipcover Front
cover scan
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Slipcover Back
cover scan
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Front Sleeve
cover scan
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Reverse Sleeve
cover scan
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Theatrical Cut Disc
cover scan
Wolf Creek Blu-ray Unrated Disc

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