TEEN WOLF TOO review up on Cultsploitation.com

As you may or may not know, I recently started a new website with horror friend Michael Tatlock from MindofTatlock.com. We’ve been working on this full-time for a while now, and it’s going swell! A lot of my reviews have been going up there, but I wanted to let you know that my Teen Wolf Too review has recently been posted (the Blu-Ray release from Scream Factory). Here’s an excerpt:

The biggest problem with Teen Wolf Too is not that returning characters have transformed into altogether different individuals (like the wacky Stiles, played coolly in the first film but ultimately a much different person thanks to Stuart Fratkin in this installment), but that Christopher Leitch’s film is unfunny, uninspired, and ultimately unexciting. There’s certainly a formula that tends to work for sequels, but Leitch follows far too closely to the original, more even-toned Teen Wolf – this film doesn’t do much to make its themes different from the first movie, and it feels more like a remake than a full-blown sequel. It doesn’t help that the writing is much blunter, either.

Check out the full review here!

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