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Extra Features
- NEW 2K restoration from the original camera negative by Arrow Films
- High Definition (1080p) Blu-ray™ presentation
- Original lossless Cantonese, Mandarin and English mono audio
- Optional English subtitles, plus hard-of-hearing subtitles for the English dub
- NEW commentary by Jonathan Clements, author of A Brief History of China
- NEW appreciation by film critic and historian Tony Rayns (1080p; 22:54)
- Interview with Gordon Liu (1080p; 20:06)
- Interview with Lily Li (1080p; 32:43)
- Interview with Yeung Ching-ching (1080p; 32:09)
- A Tribute to Fu Sheng, a short film commemorating the late actor that played before early screenings of The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter, presented via a German-dubbed telecine (the best available copy) with English subtitles (1080i; 6:12)
- Alternate opening credits, as The Invincible Pole Fighters (720p; 4:04)
- Theatrical trailer (720p; 4:15)
- Digital reissue trailer (720p; 1:09)
- Image gallery (chapter breaks; 0:55)
- NEW Reversible sleeve featuring original and commissioned artwork by Marc Aspinall
Packaging Details