The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray Screenshots (Imprint #193)

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Theatrical Cut Screencaps

Theatrical Cut Features

Theatrical Cut Menus

Extended Cut Screencaps

Extended Cut Features

Extended Cut Menus

BD Info (what’s this?)

The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray BD Info
The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray BD Info
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray BD Info
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray BD Info

Bitrate Viewer (what’s this?)

The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray Bitrate Info
The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray Bitrate Info
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray Bitrate Info
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray Bitrate Info

Spek (what’s this?)

The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray Spek Info
The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray Spek Info
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray Spek Info
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray Spek Info

Movie Color Barcode (what’s this?)

The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray Color Barcode
The Eagle Has Landed Theatrical Cut Blu-ray Color Barcode
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray Color Barcode
The Eagle Has Landed Extended Cut Blu-ray Color Barcode

Extra Features

Disc One – Original Theatrical Version

  • 1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-ray
  • NEW Audio commentary by film historians Steve Mitchell and Steven Jay Rubin
  • NEW Film historian Kim Newman on The Eagle Has Landed (1080p, 12:46)
  • NEW A Magnificent Cinema – A discussion on John Sturges with film historians Daniel Kremer, Michael Schlesinger and Nat Segaloff (1080p, 39:18)
  • NEW The Making of The Eagle Has Landed: Actors and Action – featurette (1080i, 1:18:09)
  • NEW The Making of The Eagle Has Landed: The Sets and the Props – featurette (1080i, 38:31)
  • Theatrical Trailer (1080p, 3:00)
  • Original Aspect Ratio 2.35:1
  • Audio English LPCM 2.0 Mono
  • Optional English HOH subtitles

Disc Two – Extended Version

  • 1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-ray
  • NEW Audio commentary by author/screenwriter C. Courtney Joyner, television writer/producer Phoef Sutton, and actor Treat Williams
  • The Eagle Has Landed Revisited – featurette (1080p, 15:06)
  • Tom Mankiewicz: Looking Back – interview (1080p, 10:28)
  • ATV Today on Location – vintage featurette (720p, 9:07)
  • Film Night – Location Report (720p, 5:12)
  • On Location in Norfolk (1080p, 3:27)
  • On Location Interviews (720p, 25:52)
  • Photo Galleries
    • Around the World Poster Gallery (1080i, 1:36)
    • Archive Action Gallery (1080i, 3:10)
    • Capturing the Action Gallery (1080i, 8:32)
    • On Location Gallery (1080i, 0:57)
  • Original Aspect Ratio 2.35:1
  • Audio English LPCM 2.0 Mono
  • Optional English HOH subtitles

Packaging Details

cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray Hardcase Sleeve Front
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray Hardcase Sheet Back
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray Hardcase Front
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray Hardcase Back
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray Theatrical Cut Front Sleeve
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray TC Reverse Sleeve
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray Extended Cut Front Sleeve
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray EC Reverse Sleeve
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray TC Disc
cover scan
The Eagle Has Landed Blu-ray EC Disc

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