Blood and Black Rum Podcast Episode 195: BLACK CHRISTMAS (2006)

Festivus Series 2021 starts now! We’re returning to the lore of Billy and Agnes in our look at Black Christmas (sometimes stylized Black Xmas) from 2006, a remake of the original film that throws in quite a few odes and tries to give a LOT more backstory. That’s not entirely successful, and we talk about why. But we also discuss the holiday festivities, the themes, the cookie-cutter protagonists, and a whole lot more… and we come to a conclusion why we don’t return to this movie each year.

Approximate Timeline

0:00-10:00 Intro
10:00-20:00 Beer talk
20:00-end Black Christmas

Hit that play button above to listen in.

Check back all month long as we cover some holiday classics (and some not-so-classics)! Find us on all podcasting apps, Facebook, Twitter, and our email at [email protected]. You can support us via, Patreon, and Apple Podcast subscriptions. If you want to swap promos, reach out!

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