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Decoder Blu-ray menu
Decoder subtitles menu
Decoder extras menu
Decoder cap 1
Decoder cap 2
Decoder cap 3
Decoder cap 4
Decoder cap 5
Decoder cap 6
Decoder cap 7
Decoder cap 8
Decoder cap 9
Decoder cap 10
Decoder cap 11
Decoder cap 12
Decoder cap 13
Decoder Klaus Maeck interview 1
Decoder Klaus Maeck interview 2
Decoder Klaus Maeck archival audio interview 1
Decoder Klaus Maeck archival audio interview 2
Decoder Pirate Tape excerpts 1
Decoder Pirate Tape excerpts 2
Decoder Berlin riots 1
Decoder Berlin riots 2
Decoder Berlin riots 3
Decoder Location then and now 1
Decoder Location then and now 2
Decoder stills gallery 1
Decoder stills gallery 2
Decoder trailer 1
Decoder trailer 2
Decoder Decoder Collective documentary 1
Decoder Decoder Collective documentary 2
BD Info

Extra Features
- NEW 2k scan of 16mm original camera negative
- NEW Reversible cover artwork
- NEW Audio commentary with Kier-La Janisse
- NEW Interview with Klaus Maeck (HD; 37:38)
- NEW Excerpts from “Pirate Tape” with Klaus Maek (HD and unrestored HD; 4:54)
- NEW Locations Then and Now (HD; 2:26)
- Archival audio interview with Klaus Maek (45:21)
- Video footage from 1982 Berlin riots (unrestored HD; 9:34)
- Stills gallery (6:02)
- Original trailer (HD; 2:20)
- Documentary on Italian Decoder Collective (HD 720p; 10:09)
- DVD version
Packaging Details
Decoder front cover
Decoder reverse cover