strait-jacket bluray
strait-jacket bluray

Strait-Jacket Blu-ray Review #2 (Scream Factory)

strait-jacket bluray
Strait-Jacket is an interesting thriller from Psycho creator Robert Bloch and directed by William Castle. It stars the screen dominating Joan Crawford, and comes recommended from yours truly. Scream Factory releases the film on a Blu-ray with a few special features to axe your way into.
Reader Rating1 Votes

Yes we’ve already got a written review of this, but we’re taking a second look at Strait-Jacket, this time done by Michael. He talks about Robert Bloch’s script, Joan Crawford’s starring role, and William Castle’s twisty direction. The film does drag a bit, but overall Strait-Jacket is a fun psychobiddy film with a good Blu-ray from Scream Factory.

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