Vote for Stacie Ponder!

Fellow LOTT D-er Final Girl, AKA Stacie Ponder or Awesomest Horror Blogger Ever, has entered into a film competition for Home Run Inn, a Chicago pizza joint who is looking for the best two-minute horror film short. Winners receive Home Run Inn pizza for a year and the Grand Prize is $2500!

Stacie has entered the video “They Won’t Stay Fed!” which is described as:

“A young woman receives an unexpected- and undead- dinner guest.”

Spooky! So what can you do for Ms. Ponder? Vote her up on the video’s website. You get a maximum of 15 votes per day, and the first round of the contest ends Sunday, so you can send a total of 45 votes Stacie’s way in the next three days. You can even vote through your Facebook account. Stacie’s video is currently in 11th place, and the top ten move on to the next round, so she needs our help. Get voting!

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