Coming up:

Sometime tomorrow, there should be a review of Black Hills by Nora Roberts posted. I’ve been on a posting brouhaha, if you haven’t noticed, which has allowed me to serve up some horror mayhem.

Also, just signed on to do a couple of reviews – one for The Werewolf’s Guide to Life by Ritch Duncan and Bob Powers, which will hit bookstores on September 15. Check it out here and order your own!

Also, I’m receiving some horror comics from DC, most notably North 40 and Dark Entries. Look for reviews of those sometime soon.

I’m also attempting to put part 2 of upcoming Halloween-slated flicks together, and this time I’m hoping to take a look at Jennifer’s Body.

Thanks to Corey of Evil on Two Legs for pointing out that my comments section of the blog wasn’t working. That is all fixed and ready for your thoughts, so hit it up!

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