Screenshot Comparisons: Seven Deaths in the Cat’s Eye (Blu-ray) | 88 Films vs Twilight Time

Here is a comparison gallery of screenshots from both 88 Films’ Blu-ray (left) and Twilight Time’s Blu-ray of Seven Deaths in a Cats Eye. You can right-click and view image in a new tab to do a comparison.

BD Info comparisons

Seven Deaths in a Cats Eye 88 Films Blu-ray BD Info
Seven Deaths in a Cats Eye 88 Films Blu-ray BD Info
Seven Deaths in a Cats Eye Twilight Time Blu-ray BD Info
Seven Deaths in a Cats Eye Twilight Time Blu-ray BD Info

Extra Features

88 Films: 

  • Audio Commentary with Film Historian Troy Howarth
  • Interview with Edoardo Margheriti (1080P, 11:20)
  • Original English Theatrical Trailer (1080p, 3:23)
  • Original Italian Theatrical Trailer (1080p, 3:28)

Twilight Time:

  • Audio Commentary with Film Historian Troy Howarth
  • Original English Theatrical Trailer (1080p, 3:24)
  • Original Italian Theatrical Trailer (1080p, 3:30)

If you like the image on the left:

If you like the image on the right:

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