There is nothing weirder than the Nazisploitation genre, especially one whose primary focus is to serve up scene after scene of depraved acts towards a bunch of beautiful naked women. Don’t get me wrong, I have zero qualms about looking at naked women on the big screen, but my arousal radar tends to conk out when the scenes involve torture porn. The Gestapo’s Last Orgy was made for one reason only: to make some big bucks off the naked backs of hot chicks getting abused. It’s pretty hard to watch, and honestly, about halfway through the movie, I had to ask myself why I was still watching it. The answer is obvious: Daniela Poggi.
The film starts with Lise (Poggi) meeting up with her Nazi lover Conrad (Adriano Micantoni) at the ruins of the Nazi sex camp where she was held captive. From there we flashback to her time at the camp and the atrocities that she was subjected to. Women are raped in giant orgies, fed to dogs, forced to eat human excrement, burnt alive, thrown into lye pits, and probably the worst of all? Forced to stare at lots of hairy flaccid dicks. The movie jumps back and forth from present to past, but the present scenes are just Lise and Conrad walking around the ruins, only stopping to heavily pet each other. The real meat of the “story” is the flashbacks.
The Gestapo’s Last Orgy wants so badly to be a romance film with a sprinkle of revenge dust served on top. Does it succeed? Not really, due to the film being so poorly shot on a shoestring budget. We don’t become invested in any of the characters, and by the time the end rolls around, we know what is going to happen, and we don’t care. Of course, most people watching will be too busy with their junk in their hands to care one way or the other. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying only perverts watch The Gestapo’s Last Orgy, but the ratio has got to be pretty damn high, right? Still, Daniela Poggi *drool*🤤 (ed. note: if ever there was a place for the drool emoji, it’s here, right?)
Although still banned in the UK, 88 Films has released the movie on Blu-ray for North American markets. The movie is presented with a new 2K scan of the original camera negative, and the results are quite nice. There are a few times where the quality tends to take a hit, especially during a dinner party scene, where it looks like the resolution dips. I only noticed it during this scene. Nowhere else in the film does it happen.
Audio is presented in both LPCM English and Italian with English subtitles. Like with all of these Italian productions, I take great pleasure in watching them dubbed as the results are usually awfully hilarious. The Gestapo’s Last Orgy is no different and is so poorly dubbed that at times I thought maybe my audio setup was causing a delay. Nope, it’s just that bad. The Italian track syncs up much better with the actors, and if you don’t want to be distracted by the out of sync issues with the English dubbing, I would suggest you choose the Italian track.
Extra features on the disc provided by 88 Films include two audio commentaries, one with critic and author Samm Deighan and the other with Italian movie specialists Troy Howarth and Nathaniel Thomson. Also included is a 24-minute appreciation of the work of composer Alberto Baldan Bembo by Pierpaolo de Sanctis, who goes through Bembo’s musical career, touching a bit on The Gestapo’s Last Orgy. There is also an 18-minute interview with Luigi Cozzi, who reminisces working with director Cesare Canevari. What I got out of that interview was Canevari was sex-crazed, and the Nazisploitation genre was his ticket to get all his depravities on screen. Rounding everything out is an alternate ending for the Italian release, which honestly is much better than the ending selected, and finally, an English trailer.
Extra Features
- NEW 2K Restoration From the Original Camera Negatives
- NEW Restored English and Italian LPCM Soundtracks
- NEW Translated English Subtitles
- Complete and Uncut
- NEW Audio Commentary by Critic And Author Samm Deighan
- NEW Audio Commentary by Italian Movie Specialists Troy Howarth and Nathaniel Thomson
- Alternate Italian ending (HD; 5:10)
- NEW “Remembering Alberto Baldan Bembo” – An interview with Pierpaolo de Sanctis (HD; 24:29)
- NEW “One Thing On His Mind” – An interview with Luigi Cozzi (HD; 17:57)
- English trailer (HD; 3:49)
The Gestapo’s Last Orgy is a tough sell. Exactly for whom were these films made? I don’t know, but I also don’t judge. If you happen to like the movie, 88 Films has your back with a great release that will please anyone that plops their money down for it. Remember your lotion!