My Favorite Halloween Specials #6: “Halloweenie”

Ah, The Adventures of Pete and Pete: a great childhood show, especially for those of us who lived in small town suburbia. Two children with the same name, one with a tattoo, populated this original Nickelodeon show which slightly resembled The Wonder Years and other shows of the era.

The show has recently become a cult classic for those who experienced it when they were kids, and it still remains an interest of mine because of its nostalgia factor (not to mention the wicked alternative/grunge rock opening theme). But “Halloweenie,” Pete and Pete‘s Halloween episode, has always stood out to me as being a highly relevant episode for kids and teens. Covering subjects like peer pressure and pumpkin smashing, the Halloween episode gives us the spooky decorations that we all love while remaining distinctly Pete and Pete-esque, and it even features creepy pumpkinheads! Plus, you’ve gotta love the camerawork that highlights great qualities of the Halloween experience.

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