Death Line review Death Line, also known as Raw Meat for American audiences, was released in 1972 as director Gary Sherman’s premiere film....
Madhouse review Madhouse goes under a number of names including There Was a Little Girl and And When She Was Bad, but its most recognized...
Dark Harvest review Dark Harvest is a 1992 shot-on-video scarecrow slasher from James I. Nicholson, a writer and director who apparently...
Donnie Darko review Donnie Darko is the quintessential angsty teen movie from 2001, a film that helped define Richard Kelly’s career in...
Don’t Knock Twice review Kudos to director Caradog James for getting to Don’t Knock Twice‘s gimmick early and rarely bothering with it...
Future Shock! The Story of 2000AD review Perhaps you’ve never heard of 2000AD, the birthplace of many iconic comic book characters (Dredd, Zenith,...
Inquisition review The 1978 witchfinder film Inquisition is probably best known as Paul Naschy’s directorial debut, although he uses the pseudonym Jacinto Molina for...
Ray Fawkes’ Underwinter #2 picks up three weeks after its first chapter, after each of the series’ characters have had a chance...
Blackenstein review Blackenstein as a concept is pretty interesting; it was the brain child of Frank R. Saletri, a criminal lawyer with...
King Solomon’s Mines review King Solomon’s Mines is the first Allan Quatermain film starring Richard Chamberlain, who would go on to...
The sequel to Willard followed a year after its release, and instead of featuring the name of the film’s new protagonist, it...