Michael loves the erotic and gory pairing of Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals in this Severin Films Blu-ray review.
Ryne freezes out Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell in this review.
Ryne heads out into the open country to review the 88 Films Blu-ray of Grizzly.
Michael gets sucked into Satanism in this review of The Devil's Rain on Blu-ray from Severin Films.
Ryne's reeled in in this review of the Vinegar Syndrome Blu-ray of Blood Hook.
Ryne attempts to avoid the rats in this review of Scream Factory's Of Unknown Origin Blu-ray.
Michael hits nearly every past Blu-ray release from Arrow Video, Synapse Films, Severin Films, Umbrella Entertainment, and more in this overstuffed buffet of Blu-ray reviews.
Ryne uses one hand to write this review of 88 Films Blu-ray release of One-Armed Swordsman.
Michael knocks on the door of the House That Dripped Blood and is greeted to 4 tales of terror!
Ryne tries to find his Dream Girl in this review of 88 Films' Adult Fairy Tales Blu-ray.
Ryne journeys to Dr. Moreau's - ahem, I mean Dr. Gordon's - island in this review of VCI Entertainment's The Twilight People Blu-ray.
Ryne offers up *awkward chuckle* a review of 88 FIlms' Slasher Classics Collection Blu-ray for OFFERINGS.