Ryne reviews the "vile" Beyond the Darkness (AKA Buio Omega or Blue Holocaust) from Severin Films.
Ryne refuses to pet Play Dead in this review of Vinegar Syndrome's Blu-ray release.
Basie steps back in time to look at Stuart Gordon's less-successful Lovecraft adaptation Castle Freak.
Ryne's reeled in in this review of the Vinegar Syndrome Blu-ray of Blood Hook.
Michael slips into his spandex dancing outfit to take a stab at Umbrella Entertainment's newest Suspiria Blu-ray release.
PLOT SUMMARY In this historical Chinese horror film, Master Lang, a scholar, is forced to take up residence in a...
There’s been a lull in the Archie Horror universe due to Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s busy schedule (working on the new hit...
Blood and Black Rum Podcast takes on House on Haunted Hill for Remakeoween #4!
A full rundown review of the Scream Factory Universal Horror Collection Volume 2 Blu-ray set.
Ryne enters The Dead Zone in this review of the Blu-ray from Scream Factory.
Side-by-side comparisons of the Vestron Video and Arrow Video Blu-rays of Shivers.
Yes, it's exactly what it says - every scene of nudity in all of the Wrong Turn films!