Michael falls in love with the cover to Superstition, but also falls in love with the movie thanks to Scream Factory's Blu-ray.
Ryne plays bodyguard in this review of Shout Select's Blu-ray of Someone to Watch Over Me.
Ryne tries to avoid the claw of The Deadly Mantis in this review of Scream Factory's Blu-ray.
Michael joins a coven to check out Scream Factory's Collector's Edition Blu-ray release of The Craft.
Ryne exhumes the classic The Body Snatcher in this review of Scream Factory's Blu-ray.
Ryne feasts on the new Critters: A New Binge series with this review of the Shudder original.
Michael faces his fear of spiders and checks out VCI's Blu-ray release of Kiss of the Tarantula.
Michael wishes he was as cool as Cody in Umbrella Entertainment's Blu-ray release of Frog Dreaming.
Michael wishes he was a hairdresser after checking out VCI Entertainment's Blu-ray release of Black Shampoo.
Michael succumbs to the spell of The Witches in this review of Scream Factory's Blu-ray.
Ryne laughs uproariously at the insanely stupid Wacko in this review of Vinegar Syndrome's Blu-ray.
Michael takes a dip in the lake with Scream Factory's Blu-ray release of Mermaid: Lake of the Dead.